
As a global producer of paper products, under Asia Pulp and Paper (APP), Tjiwi Kimia builds and strengthens well-developed people relationships. It aims to create a culture of sustainable employee enrichment that recognizes all valuable contributions moving forward.
APP is building a new leadership model in which each of us can flourish. Tjiwi Kimia believes this leadership model can make a company a place everyone wants to be.

Dedicated individuals are our greatest asset in our mission to produce the highest quality paper in the world. We invest in it so that they can realize their full potential and make a large contribution. Currently, the company has a large number of employees working in Tjiwi Kimia, Sidoarjo. 75% of our staff are male, and 25% are female—all with the common goal of providing world-class services to improve the quality of our products and services.
Leadership Model At Tjiwi
Leadership Model At Tjiwi
Treat APP people as “family” and shows genuine care and concern
Solicits feedback to increase self-awareness and improve oneself as leader
Demonstates resilience and “fighting spirit” and maintians morale in the face of change and uncertainty
Acting as owner
Takes strategic, long-term and “whole APP business” view when making decisions
Balances impact on society, customers, employess and shareholders
Takes personal accountability and entrepreneurship in decisions, actions and outcomes
People - Bottom Section

Safety Conduct
Tjiwi Kimia builds a culture of occupational safety and health to create a real awareness in employees to enjoy work efforts implemented in all work units. We built the "Zero Injuries" program to manage exposures in the work interface: the place where people's behavior interacts with conditions and management systems.
To carry out this program, the company utilizes human resources and businesses that are managed optimally and improves service professionalism to realize occupational safety and health. We want no injuries, period; not only is this a good goal, but it is also the only acceptable goal. The implementation of safety is carried out by implementing safety behaviors: THINK SAFETY - Teliti, Hindary, Inisiatif, Normalisasi, Kuasai, Standart, Arahan, Fasilitas, Edukasi, Telaah, dan Yakinkan (Conscientious, Avoid, Initiative, Normalization, Dominant, Standard, Guidance, Facility, Education, Learning, and Convincing)
Safety Conduct Resources
At Tjiwi Kimia, we have dedicated firefighters who work 24 hours / 7 days regularly doing the following: fire protection engineering, fire prevention, emergency medical response services at the basic and advanced levels of life and paramedic transportation, technical rescue and training, structural firefighting, delivery and operations centers, safety and equipment inspection, testing, hazardous materials technician response, training, certification, and fleet maintenance.

Youth Training & Employment
Training helps company businesses run better. Trained employees will be more ready to handle customer inquiries, make sales, or use computer systems. In other words, Tjiwi Kimia provides facilities for its workers to gain technical knowledge and learn new skills to do certain jobs. To provide the latest standard training to operational custodian staff, a new training center has been created, called the Tjiwi Kimia Training Center. It regularly provides basic training related to HR-Labour, Workplace Safety, Hospitality, Health, etc.
In addition to the employee development program, the Company also carries out through the Scholarship Program to develop human resources and the continuity of leadership quality at the middle management level.
Scholarship programs are given to employees and communities who have the potential to continue their studies in the field of pulp and paper technology.
The scholarship program with job replacement is awarded to students who excel academically but are less fortunate financially.
Tjiwi Kimia helps young people find the most suitable jobs for them. The company offers additional training and job opportunities for various young people and encourages more young people to develop their own businesses. This activity is at the same time-sharing open insights about the development of the industrial world to give birth to new entrepreneurs. Working in a factory in real-time can be a real application for students/students to the world of work. We believe today's youth will become the leaders of tomorrow. Youth employment programs aimed at promoting networking and grouping support for companies to help spread learning about technology and promote paper mill innovations.