Sekilas mengenai Tjiwi Kimia

Pada awal berdirinya, PT Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk. yang tergabung dalam APP Group hanya memproduksi soda dan bahan kimia lainnya dan sejak tahun 1978, Perseroan mulai memproduksi kertas dengan kapasitas 12.000 ton per tahun.
Kegiatan utama Perseroan adalah memproduksi berbagai jenis kertas dan turunannya seperti kertas fotocopy, coated dan carbonless. Selain itu, Perseroan juga memproduksi beragam jenis stationery dan produk perlengkapan kantor seperti buku tulis, memo, notepad, loose leaf, spiral, amplop, kertas komputer, kertas kado, shopping bag dan produk fancy yang diminati pasar internasional. Perseroan juga memproduksi produk kertas industri dan di antaranya adalah karton (boxboard) yang dipergunakan untuk kemasan industry.
Keberlanjutan telah menjadi inti dari strategi bisnis kami sebagai Perseroan. Meskipun tahun 2021 merupakan tahun yang penuh tantangan, komitmen kami terhadap keberlanjutan tidak pernah pudar. Pandemi COVID-19 memperkuat kemampuan kami untuk beradaptasi dan tetap bertahan. Kolaborasi dengan berbagai pemangku kepentingan memberikan kekuatan yang sangat berarti dalam mewujudkan visi kami. Tahun ini kami terus melanjutkan perjalanan kami untuk mencapai Peta Jalan Keberlanjutan: Visi 2030.
Jejak Langkah
1972 | Caustic Soda Plant Terbentuk |
1978 | Mulai memproduksi kertas dengan kapasitas 12 KTA. |
1990 | Teregister pada Bursa Efek Indonesia sebagai TKIM. |
1995 | Mendapatkan sertifikasi ISO 9002 (Quality Management System) |
1998 | Mendapatkan sertifiaksi ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) |
2008 | Berhasil memproduksi kertas 1048 KTA. |
2018 | Memiliki 13 paper machine. |
Pelajari lebih lanjut

Creating legacy by becoming the best paper manufacturer in the world.

To utilize our limited resources to practice green, safe, and efficient process to provide best quality products for every customer needs and maximize shareholder value.
ISO 9001 : 2015 - Valid from 21 November 2022 until 08 November 2025
ISO 9001 is defined as the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS). Organizations use the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.
ISO 22000:2018 - Valid from 06 March 2024 - 05 March 2027
ISO 22000 is an International Standard for Food Safety Management System, which requires to align with CODEX HACCP 7 Principles & Application steps, and Good Manufacturing Practice with Pre Requisite Program. Compliance to ISO 22000 providing confidence of safety food standard to the next food chain party. PT. Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia, Tbk as producer of Paper & Packaging for Food contact application has responsibility to be certified ISO 22000 and highly commits to maintain compliance of Mill Food Safety Management System to ISO 22000 International standard for safety of our customer and sustainability of the business.
ISO 14001 : 2015 - Valid from 21 November 2022 until 14 November 2025
ISO 14001 is an internationally agreed standard that sets out the requirements for an environmental management system. It helps organizations improve their environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste, gaining a competitive advantage and the trust of stakeholders.
SIH (Standar Industri Hijau) - Valid from 16 December 2022 until 15 December 2026
PROPER Blue Rating - 2021 2022
ISO 50001 : 2018 - Valid from 28 March 2023 until 10 March 2026
ISO 50001 is a voluntary international standard. It applies to organizations of any size, and provides requirements for establishing, managing and improving their energy consumption and efficiency.
Occupational Health & Safety
ISO 45001 : 2018 - Valid from 21 November 2022 until 20 November 2025
ISO 45001 health and safety management standard. ISO 45001 is an international standard for health and safety at work developed by national and international standards committees independent of government. Implementing ISO 45001 may help your organisation demonstrate compliance with health and safety law.
SMK3 - Valid from 09 June 2023 until 08 June 2026
BSCI - Valid from 23 December 2022 until 23 December 2024
A BSCI certification monitors the supply chain to ensure that textiles are made in an ethical and socially responsible manner. It is a comprehensive framework that has checks and balances to ensure that: Businesses abide by applicable laws, policies and regulations.
SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) is the most widely used format for social audits in the world, enabling businesses to assess their sites and suppliers to understand working conditions in their supply chain.
Sedex stands for Supplier Ethical Data Exchange, which is an online system that allows suppliers to maintain data on ethical & responsible practices and allows them to share this information with their customers.
WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production) - Valid from 19 January 2024 until 19 January 2025
A WRAP certification demonstrates that your facility currently meets (or exceeds) international social compliance standards, providing assurance to potential buyers who value responsible production. Using WRAP to help secure your supply chain raises your profile in the eyes of notable brands and retailers around the world. Scroll down to see examples of companies that accept WRAP certificates.
Every WRAP-certified facility has undergone an intensive social compliance audit verifying it abides by our 12 Principles, which are based on local laws and internationally recognized standards. Unlike other programs, WRAP provides annual, independent determinations of each facility’s standing and incorporates risk-focused reviews after certification to confirm continued compliance. We also train buyer and manufacturer staff on a variety of critical subject matters and educate the next generation of social compliance auditors about best practices, evolving regulations, and the ever-changing landscape of responsible production.
PT. Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia, Tbk is the first pulp and paper industry facility in Indonesia to achieve a WRAP Gold Certification
When an entity joins CTPAT, an agreement is made to work with CBP to protect the supply chain, identify security gaps, and implement specific security measures and best practices. Applicants must address a broad range of security topics and present security profiles that list action plans to align security throughout the supply chain. CTPAT members are considered to be of low risk, and are therefore less likely to be examined at a U.S. port of entry.
Chain of Custody
PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) - Valid from 18 January 2023 until 17 January 2028
PEFC is an international, non-profit, non-governmental organization which promotes sustainable forest management through independent third party certification. It is considered the certification system of choice for small forest owners.
SVLK (Sistem Verifikasi dan Legalitas Kayu) - Valid from 18 May 2021 until 17 May 2027
SVLK or Timber Legality and Sustainability Assurance Program is a mandatory national certification system for timber legality & sustainability in Indonesia, to ensure timber products and raw materials obtained or derived from sources that its origins and management meet the legal aspects.
Product Certification
Ekolabel Indonesia - Valid from 07 June 2021 until 09 June 2024
Eco-label is a statement logo/label that shows environmental aspects and is one of the tools in the framework of environmental management. Eco-labeling is a means of finding information that is accurate, verifiable and non-bridge to consumers regarding the environmental aspects of a product (goods or services).
Singapore Green Label - Valid from 10 August 2022 until 09 August 2025
Green Seal PPC Paperline - Valid from 08 December 2009
Green Seal Excelpro - Valid from 10 February 2009
Halal Certificate - Valid from 08 December 2022 until 08 December 2026
Halal is an Arabic word that means permissible. A Halal certified product means that the product is permissible or acceptable in accordance with Islamic law.
SNI 8218 : 2015 For Foopak Greaseproof Paper; Issued on 17 November 2022
AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) - Valid from August 2022 until August 2027
AEO status is an internationally recognized quality mark that shows your business's role in the international supply chain is secure and has customs control procedures that meet Authorized Economic Operator standards and criteria.
OVNI (Obyek Vital Nasional Indonesia) - Valid from 02 September 2014 until 02 September 2023

With the application of modern technology, Tjiwi Kimia produces high-quality products such as: coated paper, uncoated paper, specialty paper, Plano size, or specified sizes of paper based on the requirements of both export and domestic market. As its commitment to a sustainable environment, Tjiwi Kimia has invested in a de-inking plant to recycle waste paper and produce recycled paper. With 13 paper machines, the production capacity reaches more than 1,200,000 metric tons per year.

We produce a wide range of converting products of school and office products, such as exercise book, spiral, pad, loose-leaf, hardcover book, envelope, register roll, plotter, and also computer paper. We offer various writing products and office products of excellent quality, stylish, and manufactured with the state of the art technology.

Tjiwi Kimia Chemical factory produce many kinds of industrial chemicals, such as caustic soda liquid (NaOH), Liquid chlorine (Cl2), Hydrochloride acid (HCl), Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), and Calcium hypochlorite (Ca (OCl)2). The Chemical plant has implemented modern technology through the Membrane System and has achieved ISO Certificate for 9001 and 14001

Carton Box
Tjiwi Kimia produces high-quality carton boxes customized to clientele’s needs and requirements. We also produce corrugated sheets and corrugated cartons U/ corrugated C which can be directed into several size variations and put together using either glue or stitching.
Tjiwi Kimia won the Primaniyarta award for the Sustainable Exporter category for the 7th time since 2006. Primaniyarta Award is the highest award given by the government to exporters who are considered outstanding. The award, held since 1992, is expected to serve as a driving force for business actors to improve their achievements in the export sector continuously. The award was given at the 36th Trade Expo Indonesia opening in 2021, which was given directly by the Minister of Trade at the Pullman Hotel, Jakarta, on 21 October 2021.
The 50 Best of the Best Companies 2022 awards received on Thursday 10 November 2022 are based on the long-term fundamental performance of public companies in Indonesia, including performance from the previous year. One of them is the company's efforts to adapt to new economic challenges due to a prolonged pandemic.
The role and growth opportunities of Tjiwi Kimia are also inseparable from the attention to environmental and sustainability aspects in carrying out production process activities in Tjiwi Kimia's efforts to become a greener and more environmentally sound industry by using recycled raw materials, environmentally friendly technology , and energy efficiency to support emission reduction policies and achieve low carbon development.
The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia gave awards to companies that had been orderly administratively and implemented social security on October 27, 2022. Paritrana Award is a government program initiated by the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK), the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), the Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker), and BPJS Employment to increase the number of social security participants.
Tjiwi Kimia takes a role in providing benefits to the community around the company's environment, one of which is by providing protection to 15,000 vulnerable workers around the factory and East Java in general through the National Movement for Caring for Vulnerable Workers Protection (GN Circle) BPJS Employment.
Indonesia Best Public Company Awards 2022 by WartaEkonomi.Co.Id
Indonesia Green & Sustainable Companies 2023 by SWA Magazine
Imported with Best Dwelling Time 2020 - Dwelling time is one of the concerns to continue to carry out maintenance and enter into one of the Import Clearance Cargo KPIs. The faster the Dwelling Time process, the faster the distribution of goods/raw materials. The average dwelling time of Tjiwi Kimia, is <20 hours or <0.8 days, so that it can help the Tanjung Perak Customs to achieve the National scale Dwelling Time target, which is 0.81 days.
Best AEO Company 2020 - This category is achieved by complying with all the completeness of Import documents, conformity of the determination of the Tariff Code with the Indonesian Customs Tariff Book (BTKI), Complete Import Permits for goods or materials subject to prohibitions and restrictions, carrying out training/socialization regarding customs knowledge, carrying out an Internal Audit of AEO Companies becoming concern for continuous maintenance and improvement.
Based on the results of the Monitoring and Evaluation assessment of AEO companies by the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, Tjiwi Kimia succeeded in fulfilling the 13 criteria for AEO companies
Best of the Best 2020 - Based on the level of compliance with customs and/or tax regulations, through Monitoring and Evaluation assessments, 13 companies with AEO criteria were awarded the BEST OF THE BEST in 2020 with the title of General Champion at this prestigious event.
Indonesia CSR Awards by WartaEkonomi.Co.Id
Indonesia Green Awards 2022 by La Tofi School of CSR
The award given on March 21, 2022 by The La Tofi School of CSR for companies that have high concern for the environment through a variety of creativity that contributed to thesurrounding environment. Tjiwi Kimia success as a pioneer of pollution prevention by utilizing Ash Bottom waste from power plant waste to economic value including paving, cansteen and brick
TOP CSR AWARDS 5 STARS by Top Business Magazine
Assessment category :
- Comply to ISO 26000 standard and environmental aspects
- Referring to the CSV (Creating Shared Value) aspects, and CSR harmony
- CSR implementation must be in harmony with the company's business strategy and government programs and policies.
BISRA AWARDS GOLD CHAMPION by Bisnis Indonesia & Habitat for Humanity Indonesia
- Impact to society
- Sustainability Program capability
- SDG suitability
- SROI measurement
- Long term work plan
- The uniqueness of the consistency program in data presentation
- Volunteer activities
- Multi stakeholder
- Disaster mitigation
- Involvement of the Board of Directors
- Program consistency
- Shows continuous improving.
Occupational Health & Safety
COVID-19 Prevention Program Awards by East Java Province and Sidoarjo Region
Award P2 Covid-19 Category Platinum is an appreciation from the Provincial Government of East Java and Sidoarjo Region to companies that have succeeded in implementing Occupational Health & Safety Norms (OHS) in the COVID-19 Work Planning Prevention Program.
The application of health protocols in Tjiwi Kimia environment is carried out strictly, the main activities carried out are:
1. Distribution of PPE and Vitamins for all employees
2. Acceleration of the vaccine for all employees
3. Distribution of Medical Masks & Vaccine Acceleration for Ring 1 Community
4. Distribution of food packages for residents affected by Covid-19
Mitra Bhakti Husada GP2SP (Gerakan Pekerja Perempuan Sehat Produktif ) by Indonesia Ministry of Health, East Java Province and Sidoarjo Region
The Indonesian Ministry of Health gave awards for Bhakti Husada's partners on November 17, 2022 to companies and institutions that implement the Productive Healthy Women's Workers Movement (GP2SP) and Occupational Health & Safety (OHS)
Through a variety of programs related to health and safety workers are expected to be able to spur and continue to improve the safety and health efforts of workers as a whole, so as to be able to support the realization of improving the quality of human resources.
Tjiwi Kimia implements a variety of programs in supporting the GP2SP movement, including :
- Policies for female workers working non-shifts,
- Supporting exclusive ASI programs for female workers by providing lactation room,
- Work safe by using complete PPE,
- Health services by collaborating with Citra Medika Hospital and several Public Health Center around Sidoarjo and Mojokerto,
- Sport program to improve employee health and fitness,
- Socialization and health counseling from professional health workers.
Indonesia Best Companies 2023 in HSE Implementation by SWA Magazine
Tjiwi Kimia has received an award from SWA Magazine for Indonesia Best Companies in HSE Implementation 2023. With the theme ‘’Mitigating Risks Improving Productivity & Creating #Sustainable Employability’’, the award gives recognition to the companies in Indonesia that have successfully implemented the Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS). Receiving this award is one of the motivations driving us to stay committed to keeping all of our employees as safe as possible, and we hope to continue being an inspiration for other companies to implement the best practices for HSE.
HIV-AIDS Prevention and Control Program in Workplace - GOLD Category by East Java Governor
Penelitian & Pengembangan

Riset & Pengembangan (R&D) Tjiwi Kimia adalah kunci bagaimana inovasi bekerja. Inovasi muncul sebagai hasil dari rencana yang melibatkan ilmuwan, pemasok, dan bisnis spesialis terkemuka. Mereka dikelola oleh peran penting kami untuk memberi dampak positif pada dunia di sekitar kita.
Tjiwi Kimia memiliki lebih dari sepuluh ilmuwan inti, didukung oleh 22 staf, dan dilengkapi dengan laboratorium utama sejak tahun 1996. Tim ini memiliki lebih dari 10 tahun pengalaman di industri kertas dan menyebar ke berbagai fungsi pada proses & produk. R&D tumbuh dan menjadi lebih besar. Di tahun 2016, tim bernama New Product Development (NPD) terintegrasi dengan HQ NPD & BU / Sales. Tim ini sepenuhnya berfokus pada kualitas, pelanggan, dan biaya yang efisien untuk memastikan pengembangan berkelanjutan dari portofolio produk Tjiwi Kimia yang ada.
Fungsi NPD dengan sistem terintegrasi bertanggung jawab untuk:
Merancang dan mengembangkan produk, layanan, dan proses berbasis teknologi baru.
Menerjemahkan kebutuhan fungsional ke dalam spesifikasi, dengan analisis pencegahan & korektif
Optimalisasi proses & pengurangan biaya dengan pelanggan
Memenuhi persyaratan hukum (sertifikat sebagai ISEGA, FDA, BFR, Halal, Dapat didaur ulang, dll.)
NPD Tjiwi Kimia berinovasi dan menciptakan produk sesuai dengan standar lingkungan dan berupaya mengoptimalkan pabrik untuk menyeimbangkan biaya produksi. Dengan semua sumber daya tersebut, kami berkomitmen untuk menciptakan pertumbuhan pasar untuk memuaskan pelanggan kami dengan memenuhi persyaratan mereka untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup konsumen.